Situácia okolo Korona vírusu je taká aká je, a ako aj iné festivaly rušia, prípadne posúvajú svoje akcie na neskoršie termíny, Flesh party 7 nebude výnimkou. Tá neistota, či do júna budú povolené kultúrne podujatia, či sa budú vedieť dopraviť kapely a fans zo zahraničia, a veľa ďalších otáznikov, je veľmi veľká a termín Flesh Party 7 už klope na dvere.

Flesh Party Open Air sa presúva na 10-12. 06. 2021.

Vstupenky zostávajú v platnosti aj na ďalší rok, preto nie je potrebné ich vracať, začo vám budeme veľmi vďační. Samozrejme, pokiaľ chcete svoje peniaze za vstupenku späť, napíšte nám email na fleshpartyfestival@gmail.com. Po zaslaní vstupenky vám peniaze pošleme naspäť.

Zostavu sa pokúsime zachovať rovnakú v najväčšom možnom rozsahu. Komunikujeme s kapelami, aby bol line-up zachovaný. Zostávajúcich päť nezverejnených skupín, vrátane jedného headlinera bude oznámených neskôr.

Ďakujeme za vašu priazeň a podporu. Veríme, že sa uvidíme aj o rok (ak nie skôr), a hlavne nech táto pandémia pominie čo najskôr.
The situation around the corona virus is as it is and other festivals are canceling, or postponing their events for later dates. Flesh party vol. 7 will not be an exception. The uncertainty as to whether cultural events will be allowed by June, whether it will be possible for bands from abroad to travel and cross the borders, or for fans to travel, plus many other question marks, this uncertainty is very big. The date for Flesh Party 7 is already knocking on the door.

We decided to move Flesh Party Open Air to the next year. Book the dates from 10th of June – to 12th of June 2021 in your calendars.

Tickets remain valid for the next year! There is no need to return them and we would highly appreciate, if you keep already bought tickets. Of course, if you want your money back, write to fleshpartyfestival@gmail.com and after sending your ticket back to us, we will send you the money.

We will try to keep as much of this year line-up as possible. We are already communicating with bands in order to maintain the line-up. We will announce five remaining bands, including one headliner later.

Thank you for your support! We believe, that we will see you in a year (if not sooner) and let this pandemic will be over as soon as possible.

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